Just Host Web Hosting Help
Managing Your DB Using phpmyadmin
Working with databases can be a complex and confusing process. Fortunately phpMyAdmin provides an easy to use and easy to understand interface to administer your database(s). phpMyAdmin is available through your Just Host cPanel under the databases section.
phpMyAdmin is a software tool written in PHP, intended to handle the administration of MySQL via a web browser. phpMyAdmin supports a wide range of operations with MySQL. The most frequently used operations are supported by the user interface (managing databases, tables, fields, relations, indexes, users, permissions, etc), while you still have the ability to directly execute SQL statements.
phpMyAdmin can be accessed via your cPanel and is integrated with your Just Host hosting account.
Basic Functions of phpMyAdmin:
Creating a database & database user:
Before you can get started using phpMyAdmin, you must create your database from within the Just Host cPanel. For specific instructions on creating databases and database users, Click Here
Accessing phpMyAdmin
Login to cPanel and click the phpMyAdmin icon in the Databases section.
Viewing the home screen:
At the phpMyAdmin home page, you will see option such as Collation, Language and Font size. There are also links to Documentation, wiki and the official homepage for phpMyAdmin.
Selecting the Database:
To view the structure of your databases, simply click on the database name in the left column of the home page. Alternatively you may click on the databases tab along the top of the screen. Clicking on the name of the database shows the structure of the database. The structure shows individual table names which make up your database.
Browse the Database:
Once you have selected the database, click the 1st icon (browse) under action, beside the table name, while in the structure view. The "Browse" view displays rows of data in the database (if applicable). There is also a link to 'Create PHP Code' based on the current view. To navigate through the rows of data, you may need to click the > or >> buttons or choose a page number from the drop down box.
View MySQL Processes:
You may view the current MySQL processes running by selecting the "Processes" tab while at the home page of phpMyAdmin. To kill a process simply click the 'kill' link to the left of the process id number.
Performing Common Functions in phpMyAdmin
Searches & SQL Queries
Databases Functions
Manipulating Tables
Manipulating Columns