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Adding a column to a db table in phpMyAdmin
Adding a column to a database table in phpMyAdmin
This article demonstrates how to add a column to a database table in phpMyAdmin.
Begin by accessing phpMyAdmin via cPanel.
- Select the database you wish to work with (listed in the left column when you first access phpMyAdmin).
- If your table does not exist yet, add a table.
- Click on the table you want to work with, which will take you to the list of columns in the table.
- Underneath the list of columns, where is says "add 1 column(s)" click the Go button to add 1 column.
- Define the column by entering the following information:
- Name the Column.
- Select the Type of data the column will hold. Some common types include:
- INT = Integer (a number without a decimal point)
- CHAR = Characters (can hold text up to a specific length)
- VARCHAR = Variable Length Characters (a text field that is not a fixed width).
- TEXT = For holding large amounts of text.
- DATE = Can only hold dates.
- DATETIME = Can hold both a date and a time.
- (See the MySQL Data Types article for more options.)
- Define the Length/Values if required. For example, the CHAR type will require you to specify the maximum number of characters allowed.
- The other fields are optional.
- Click on the Save button when complete.
If successful, a message will appear stating your table was altered successfully and your new column will appear in the list of columns.